
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a mental health condition characterized by a persistent and excessive preoccupation with one's appearance. Individuals with BDD have an intense and often irrational belief that there is a defect or flaw in their physical appearance.

Individuals with BDD often engage in compulsive mirror gazing, worsening their condition and wasting valuable time. Dr. Mirror has the potential to prevent these harmful behaviors and contribute to the improvement of the illness.


Initial Research

Documentaries and websites have provided us with a foundational understanding of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

Key Notes

1. BDD, a prevalent disorder, remains largely overlooked.

2. BDD patients amplify their perceived physical flaws.

Self-Portrait of a BDD patient
The real appearance of her

3. Mirrors play a very important role in BDD patients' life.

The documentary "Ugly Me: My Life with Body Dysmorphic Disorder" captures the profound impact that mirrors have on the emotional response of BDD patients.

Literature Research

Our literature research focused on understanding the underlying causes and scientific treatments for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

BDD Pathological Model

These elements intertwine and form the vicious cycle of BDD.

Mirror: The catalyst for perpetuating the destructive cycle of BDD.

After discovering the significant association between BDD patients and mirrors during the initial research, we then investigate the role of mirrors in the pathology of BDD.

Research on effective and efficient treatments

The therapy options for patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder are still being explored, but three treatments have been proven effective: cognitive-behavioral therapy, supportive psychotherapy, and antidepressant medications.

Mirrors also serve as a therapeutic tool in Mirror Exposure Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy includes "Mirror Exposure Therapy" where the mirror is used as a therapeutic tool. This therapy typically consists of three procedures.


The research findings sparked our keen interest in mirrors, leading us to choose them as a focal point for developing our design.

User Interview

To gain a deeper insight into the difficulties experienced by BDD patients when using mirrors, we gathered feedback and evaluations specifically focused on mirrors from the BDD Facebook group.

Insight 1
People with BDD often have a compulsion to constantly check themselves in the mirror, unable to resist the urge.

Insight 2
Individuals with BDD would unconsciously stare at the mirror for a long time

Insight 3
Mirrors and lighting affect moods differently.

Expert Interview: Guiding BDD patients towards healthy mirror use

We contacted two professional psychologists specializing in BDD research through the social media platform "Zhihu," which serves as a gathering place for domain experts to share their insights. The valuable information we obtained from them has guided our design decisions.

Under the influence of physiological factors, individuals with body dysmorphic disorder have difficulties perceiving or processing general information about their image. They can only perceive the detail they think as a defect and always scan the detail carefully in the mirror for a long time and in extremely close physical proximity.

How to guide patients in using mirrors during clinical treatment:

When to use

  • Exclusive for an agreed purpose
  • Avoid using a mirror when feeling depressed
  • For a limited duration only

How to use

  • At a distance from the mirror
  • Shift your focus to the image rather than your emotions
  • Direct your attention to the entire image rather than specific areas

Choose right mirror

  • Choose mirrors that are sufficiently large to display the majority of your body
  • Experiment with different mirrors and lighting conditions instead of relying on a single setup
  • Avoid using magnifying mirrors

Problem Statement: BDD patients struggle to regulate mirror-gazing behaviors.

Persona: Liane, a person with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

How Liane use the mirror

Pain Points

I feel awful looking closely at my eyes in the mirror.

Looking at the mirror in poor lighting always makes me feel awful.

Whenever I catch a glimpse of a mirror, I become captivated and find myself unable to look away.

I spend an hour daily on my makeup routine, or else I feel reluctant to go out.


IDEATION: Transforming the mirror's role

Lofi Interface

Hardware Schematic Diagram

Final Design